文章来源: 拥奇FE旧路电镜, 可在高真空、 低真空、 环境真空三种真空模式下对多种样品进行形貌分析;配备OXFORD能谱及电子背散射衍射仪, 可对样品微区成分、 结构进行定性及定量分析。 拥有LEICA金相显微镜、 ZEISS体视显微镜等专业设备, 具备材料与结构失效分析、 晶粒度、 非金居夹杂物、 过烧组织、 脱碳层、 镀层测定等能力。
With FEI scanning electron microscope, the morphology of various samples can be analyzed in three vacuum modes: high vacuum, low vacuum and environmental vacuum. With OXFORD energy dispersive spectroscopy and electronic backscatter diffraction system , the composition and microstructure of sample microregion can be qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed. With LEICA metallographic microscope, ZEISS stereoscopic m,croscope and other professional equipment, it has the ability of failure analysis of material and structure, grain size, non-metallic inclusions, overburning microstructure, decarburization layer, coating measurement and so on.