文章来源: 掌握复合材料激光错位散斑检测关键技术, 能够满足蜂窝板、 层合板、 橡胶板等复合材料脱粘、 冲击损伤、 纤维断裂、 分层等缺陷的原位快速、 图像化检测需求, 具备定制化激光错位散斑检测系统研制与检测技术的配套服务能力。
We have mastered the key technology of laser shearography testing for composite materials to meet the requirements of in situ rapid and image detection for the defects of honeycomb plate, laminates and rubber plates, including degumming, impact damage, fiber fracture and stratification. It is capable of developing and testing the technology for the development and detection of the customized laser shearography testing system