文章来源: ZL201A是ZL201合金的改进型合金,通过采用高纯度原材料,降低杂质含廷和调整合金成分、工艺,使台金力学性能明显提高,达到某些锻适合金的水平。合金的铸造、焊接、切削加工和耐腐蚀性能与ZL201合金基本相同。
ZL201A is the modified alloy of ZL201, which adopts high purity raw materials to reduce impurity content and adjust alloy composition and process to significantly improve the mechanical properties of the alloy, and to reach the some level with that of some forged alloys. Its casting, welding, machining, and corrosion resistance performance are basically the same with that of ZL201.
This alloy is mainly used fo「sand mold casting method to make high strength and high quality castings that can bear heavy load and can work under temperature of 300℃ such as beam,rib and wheel hub,etc.